Twin Peaks: What about Killer BOB? or Who's Garmonbozia Is It Anyway?
Bubba @FittenTrim and Mork @Extraordinawry go deep into the Black Lodge to learn about Killer BOB from Mark Frost & David Lynch's groundbreaking television series: TWIN PEAKS.
New iTunes review & Prize giveaway: 3:30
Twin Peaks guest 6:06
Twin Peaks Minutes 8:00
"Lonely Souls" + "Drive with a Dead Girl" + "Arbitrary Law" + "Dispute Between Brothers" + "Masked Ball" + "The Black Widow"
Real-life Encounter with TP celebrity: 1:04:18
What about Killer BOB? Or who's Garmonbozia is it anyway? 1:09:23
Feedback 1:30:32